Strikes, Spares, and Butter Cookies: My Childhood Bowling Alley Adventure


When I was around 3 or 4 years old, my parents joined a bowling league in Mobile, Alabama. Every week, like clockwork, my sister and I would be taken along to the bustling bowling alley. I have no idea what it was called or where in Mobile it was located, this was over 45 years ago. It's just a fragmented part of my memory now, but I can vividly remember my mama, daddy, my sister Becki and the kind lady at the snack bar. The friends my parents played with on the league, however, are a blur. This was before I started kindergarten and I really feel it happened before we lived with my granny and definitely before we moved to the little yellow house at the end of Easter Lane.

My parents seemed to enjoy every moment, laughing and chatting with their teammates while rolling those heavy bowling balls down the polished lanes. I am not sure if they were any good, but their smiles and laughter tell me that they were having a blast.

I remember sitting with my sister as she played arcade games and wandered around the snack bar. The smell of bowling alley nachos and hot dogs filled the air, mixing with the occasional whiff of beer from the bar. The lady who worked the snack bar was always kind to me, sharing her stash of butter cookies with the hole in the center. I loved putting them on my fingers and eating them off one by one, savoring each sweet bite.

I often watched bowling on TV with my dad, expecting to see my mama and daddy competing with the professionals. In my young mind, they were just as skilled and deserving of the spotlight. The bright and colorful bowling balls for sale always caught my eye. I dreamed of owning a vibrant pink or neon green one someday, though that wish never quite came true.

Those nights at the bowling alley hold a special place in my heart, though it's not exactly a strong memory. The simple joy of being with my parents getting along for a night, the arcade games, and the sweet butter cookies made it all magical.

What about you? Do you have any favorite bowling memories or funny stories to share? Drop a comment below and let me know what you love about bowling! 
And if you enjoyed reading this story, a small token of appreciation would mean the world to me. ๐Ÿ˜Š
