Show and Tell: Spilling the Tea-My Beloved Mr. Coffee 3-Quart Tea Maker

Let me tell you about an appliance that has stood the test of time in my kitchen: my trusty Mr. Coffee 3-Quart Tea Maker. I’ve had this gem for over 20 years, and it’s still going strong. Purchased at Bed Bath and Beyond with a coupon, this tea maker has been a constant companion, used several times a week, consistently making the most amazing tea, no matter the brand.

Making sweet tea for Terry and myself has never been easier or more enjoyable. We alternate between Red Diamond, Tetley, Luzianne, and sometimes Great Value, and the results are always fantastic. I used to use National Cup tea, the cheapest at Walmart, and it still made a great batch of tea with this reliable machine.

As a kid, my dad, sister, and I loved sweet tea, but my mom only ever made unsweetened tea because that's what she liked. She used the excuse that if she made it sweet, we would all just suck it down. Thanks, mom, for withholding, knowing we all hated unsweetened tea! Even though we could add sugar, it’s just not the same. The sugar doesn’t dissolve well in cold tea and doesn’t make a good glass of sweet tea like mixing it into hot tea and then letting it cool. My granny always made sweet tea, and try as I might, I’ve never been able to replicate the deliciousness of her tea. Though she did boil hers on the stove, even when I tried that, it was never as good.

During the period in my life when I was homeless, 1992-1993, I missed sweet tea terribly. While there were a few places in Atlanta that served it, no one made good sweet tea, so I usually just drank soda. After I left Atlanta and moved on to New York, there was no sweet tea to be found anywhere, thesame could be said when I was west in Las Vegas and Los Angeles and if you are a sweet tea person you would understand that comforting taste of home.

Here’s my tried-and-true recipe for the perfect batch of sweet tea, depending on the tea bag size:

  • Gallon Bags: Just one is all you need.

  • Family Size Bags (for a gallon of tea): 3 bags if you’re using Tetley or Luzianne, or 4 bags for any other brand.

  • Individual Tea Bags: 12 bags, no matter the brand.

For the perfect sweetness, and though it sounds exessive and too much trust me, I use 1 and 3/4 cups of sugar. A pro tip: add the sugar to the pitcher first, then stir it up once enough tea has dripped into the pitcher. This ensures the sugar dissolves perfectly, creating a uniformly sweet brew.

Interestingly, going back to that thing my mom said, unsweetened tea and sweetened tea don’t really differ in how cold they get. It’s more about personal preference and how refreshing they feel. For some, sweet tea might feel heavier due to the sugar, while unsweetened tea might feel lighter and more thirst-quenching.

Despite the rise of K-Cup and other modern tea makers, the Mr. Coffee 3-Quart Tea Maker remains my favorite. Its reliability, durability, and ability to brew perfect tea for over two decades is a testament to its quality. I have seen it listed for over $200 on various websites, not a bad profit margin off an item that was originally $25. Here’s to many more years of delicious tea with my beloved tea maker!

Do you love tea as much as I do? If so, do you prefer it sweet or unsweet? Do you like it with lemon? I'm one of those weirdos that will send tea back if it has a lemon in it. Share your tea preferences and stories with me!


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