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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

My 39th Birthday!!!

Just a quick blog for today. 39 years ago, I was born in Mobile, Alabama. My sister was watching the Mickey Mouse Club when my mom went into labor and refused to leave the house until it was over...if you ever knew her when she was a kid, you'd know the girl could throw a serious tantrum and one would never want to create a situation where she got the losing end. Had I been a girl, my name would have been Kelly Dawn Manning.

So what do I plan to do on my birthday? I requested off a few weeks ago but still got scheduled to come into work. The windchill will be as low as negative 5 around the area that I work...This will not be the best of birthday situations for me...I'm off tomorrow and though I picked up a shift Friday evening, I'm giving that up tonight so I can at least enjoy 2 days off in a row.

Thanks to everyone on Facebook for the great birthday wishes.

I got to work at 4:30 and the manager asks if I'd like to go home...HELL YEAH I'D LOVE TO GO HOME!!! I called Terry asked if he wanted sushi from Nori Nori for dinner and he was on his way to meet me in Sandy Springs. We ended up going to Lowes for LED light bulbs to begin replacing all of the CFL bulbs in the house. Best Buy to get Terry and new video card for his PC, which we have to take back tomorrow thanks to the wattage for the video card required a tad bit than his PC could kick out. On the way back towards Nori Nori, I decided I'd rather Indian food...we found a place across from where I clue what it was called but it was a decent birthday dinner.

According to accuweather...It should start snowing in my part of town in an's been snowing up at my restaurant for an hour already.

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