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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Cancer Lies Pay For Woman's Breast Implants

A woman in Texas lied to her friends and family and watched them raise over $10,000 for to help her pay for her breast cancer treatment. Trista Joy Lathern used at least two dozen people the help her raise money during fundraising events and then spent the funds to have her breasts enlarged. Many of the donors were family, friends, co-workers and even strangers.  The 24-year-old mother of two claimed she had no health insurance needed for her live-saving surgery.
Lathern went as far as shaving her head to appear as if she was undergoing chemotherapy. Her husband, William Lathern, has filed for an annulment of the marriage. Authorities discovered shortly before the annulment was filed that the money was raised at an attempt to save her failing marriage. Trista was charged with theft by deception as well as a two-year-old warrant for theft by check.

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