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Friday, February 13, 2015

My Thoughts of Glamazon Queen Kong: My Life of Glitter, Guts, and Glory

Many months back, I downloaded this book to my Kindle with the intention to read it once my life returned to normal after starting my new job at Hearth Pizza Tavern in Sandy Springs. In addition to working, my day to day personal time sort of gets eat up with juggling between various activities which include knitting and writing.

Being that I'm back to commuting from Riverdale, Georgia, just south of Atlanta to the Sandy Springs on the northside, I have plenty of time to commit to listening to music, watching movies and reading books I've downloaded to my Kindle. While flipping through some of the books I'd added to my Kindle but not yet read I noticed "Glamazon Queen Kong: My Life of Glitter, Guts, and Glory" by Deanna Booher. I decided it was time to start reading it.
I'd been a huge fan of Deanna's portrayal of Matilda the Hun from GLOW: The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling as well as her many appearances in various films, television and music videos. Little did I know that this lady, whose mainstream work in the entertainment business seemed to revolve around her image as a big bad lady wrestler with a playful and sexy flair, had more going for her than beating on people. In fact, my friend Beastie, yes the same Beastie from GLOW, has been friends with "Queenie" for many years. Beastie told to me there was more to Queenie than what we knew from her GLOW days. Within the first two chapters, I realized Beastie's statement was an understatement. Having flew through the book within 3 days, I realized that Deanna aka Dee aka Queenie aka Matilda aka Queen Kong is possibly one of the most fascinating people I've ever read about.

Deanna's writing style shows that every word she's written was straight from the heart. Open, honest, no not honest, BRUTALLY honest, and unapologetic are just some of the impressions I felt as I read. Queenie's words kept me on the edge of my seat, wondering what she'd say next kept me interested. I expected a bulk of this biography to feature wrestling, music videos and the world of entertainment but that doesn't come up until the last third of the book. I quickly realized this book is not about a wrestler, it's about the life of a lady who just fell into the world of wrestling.

Deanna's book starts off with her humble beginnings in Torrance, California and follows her life in chronological order. Her dysfunctional family and childhood issues felt as if she had channelled many of my own situations within my own childhood. Her teen years leading up to the birth of her son are heartbreaking and yet relatable to anyone that grew up with dreams of being something "extra special" and feeling the need to do whatever it took to please others. I commend her for her mention of her use of LSD, pot and alcohol because most self penned "tell all" books skirt over drug use or candy coat it making it all sound glamorous. Queenie's no holds barred accounts of being violated, used and broken down are as fascinating as they are sad.

Queenie's biggest supporter throughout her life was her amazing husband Ken. The chapters featuring Ken & Queenie's years as swingers and their home based phone sex and fantasy business made me blush and found I had to skim the pages quickly if I happened to be on the train for fear of someone looking over my shoulder and seeing one of Queenie's photos featuring one of her Glamazon characters and assuming I was reading a "sexy" book.

As I stated above, Queenie's mainstream entertainment career isn't mentioned until the last part of the book. Her accounts of GLOW, POWW and the Bruce Willis bachelor party are worth the wait. Queenie puts to rest the untrue fact that Jacqueline Stallone was the creator of GLOW. The truth is that it was a joint venture between David McLane and Matt Cimber. Queenie dishes the dirt on many of her GLOW sisters and colleagues, Good Bad and the Ugly including David McLane to Matt Cimber to Americana, Spanish Red and even the current owner of GLOW, Ursula aka Babe the Farmer's Daughter. Beastie, Lightning, Hollywood, Daisy, Godiva, Roxy Astor and even Mountain Fiji get super shoutouts within this amazing book.

Queenie's no holds barred mentions don't stop with GLOW. Be prepared for some spilled tea featuring the likes of Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger and many others.
Queenie & Beastie from the film Slashdance
As I told you, Beastie told me, there is more to Queenie than what we know from GLOW...Once you read this book, you'll not only be a fan of Matilda/Queen Kong, you will fall in love with the woman behind those iconic personas, Deanna Booher. I purchased the e-book for my Kindle and now that I've finished it, I have added the physical book to my birthday wishlist...February 18. ;-)
Looking for a good read featuring one of the coolest, most honest and fascinating people in the world? Do yourself a favor, buy this book!!!

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