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Monday, January 26, 2015

Super Afghan Loom Knitted Afghan

As a part of my everyday life, I try and put at least a few minutes into my knitting hobby...Adrian's KNIT Wits isn't completely about my wits. Anyway, I decided to start a new project on my Knitting Board Super Afghan Loom while I've been ill. This loom is a little tricky to use but once you get the hang of holding it and moving it around, it's really cool.
I'm using a worsted weight acrylic yarn for this project. My intention is to create a striped blanket using black to contrast with bright colors such as turquoise, pink, orange, green and yellow. Some stripes will be variegated and others will be solid colors...Things may change as this progresses though...I'm not one to stick to a pattern.

Thankfully this project will be meant for my own use because within the first inch and a half, I ran out of yarn 3 times and may have mixed in Red Heart and Caron brands and possibly a couple of rows of sportweight. I'm not really worried because the first inch and a half are garter stitches which will keep the knit tight enough that if any differences in yarn will appear intentional. For those of you not familiar with this loom, you have to start and end your knitting using either rib stitching, which is very hard on this loom, or garter stitches to keep your ends from curling.

Now that my garter stitched beginning is complete, I've begun wrapping the pegs using the e-wrap stitch. It's already progressing quickly. I'm not sure how wide this project will be but I'm certain is will definitely be over 60 inches wide as that's the average for this loom. Once it reaches 6 and a half feet in length, it will be done.

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