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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

15 Second and 30 Day Rule

Timing is everything when it comes to buying items, especially if they aren't on sale. Come across an item that you don't really need but are tempted to buy just because? I have a house full of these items. I've stopped making these mistakes since I've begun to do This is how 15 Seconds and 21 Days can make a difference.

15 Seconds-You see an item that IS on sale or on clearance. Pick it up and hold the item for 15 seconds and think about two things. 1-Would you REALLY use it? 2-Would the money you spend be better used on something else? If you still feel the need to buy it after 15 seconds and answering these questions honestly, you should. These questions can be especially useful in situations where stores don't have actual sales, like Dollar Tree.
21 Day-If you find yourself in a situation where you find something that's not on sale or it's a big ticketed item that's not actually "essential" purchases. There are three steps to this. 1-Try the 15 second rule. 2-If after you feel the need to purchase it and you're not in a time crunch, like Christmas or a birthday, put it back on the shelf and leave it at the store. If you still remember the item over the course of 21 days, check the store sales paper as well as competitor ads. The impulse of paying full price may have cost you twice. Sales rotate on items every 2 to 3 weeks depending on the store. 1 week it may be on sale but off sale the following 2 weeks. If you waited, you could save if it does go one sale. If you forget about the item completely, you saved the entire amount on something that you could have lived without anyway.
The 15 second rule can safely be executed anywhere. There are a few exceptions where the 21 Day Rule would not be beneficial...Thrift shops, flea markets and clearance items that will most likely be sold out by the time you do return. This is a time when it's best to use your gut instinct and do what you feel is in your best interest.

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