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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Pop pop pop pop Music!!!

When I was about 7 I heard what I thought was the voice of an angel...the song was Material Girl followed by a song called, well....Angel. The voice of Madonna. 1984 was the year that made the biggest impression on me musically but I never knew it would lead to anything other than listening to the music I loved. I was over at my next door neighbor's house and they had just gotten the brand new Like A Virgin tape by Madonna. I HAD to have this cassette. I ran back home and told my mom I just had to have my own copy and my mom cut me off with "Tape it off the radio!" comment that she so loved to spout off to my sister and I. Unfortunately, she didn't stop to think that I had no capability to tape anything off the radio, I had no radio or tape recorder...Just my Disco 80 by Emerson record player.
Disco 80 Sound by Emerson
Record Player with
Disco Lights on front panel
Madonna Like A Virgin released
November 12, 1984

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