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Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Manbag....

Most people that know me in real life know that I'm sort of a packrat, well a little more than sort of. Unfortunately, this OCD thing touches every aspect in my world. When I was younger, I had backpacks and lunchboxes to stash my shit but when I hit the streets in Atlanta and NYC back in 1992, backpacks seemed to always get a lot of attention from salespeople in stores. I found it best to downsize to the bare essentials so if I was asked to check my bag, they'd have no reason to question why I have so much shit. I learned quickly to never answer "I'm homeless and this is my stuff" to the staff of FAO Schwartz or Sam Goody, they don't like that. My standard response became I'm visiting my uncle, dad or something like totally worked because of my southern accent was the kicker...this was before I learned to cover up the accent. Once I left NYC, I found it hard to part with "the essentials" and to this day, I carry stuff around with me as I did when I was homeless...though my carry all back is now known as my manbag. I have 4 manbags...1 is technically a laptop bag and 1 a laptop backpack. Have you ever noticed that when asked "What's in your bag?" most people won't say? In fact they will go out of their way to avoid futher conversation on the topic. What's in there? A Z pack prescription for an STD or something? People can be so touchy about petty stuff...It's just that...STUFF...SO what's in my manbag?

Hand Sanitizer...Epi-Pen...Prep H Pads...Percocet...4 Color BIC Pen...Mechnical Pencil...Notebook...Out of Date Penny Press Word Search...Digital Camera...Battery Operated Fan...Creative Zen Touch MP3 Player(which I'd love to replace with an iPod)...Mini Mary Hanson Roberts Tarot Cards...Lighter....Leatherman Knife...Lip Smackers Lip Balm.

Yup I was once a Boy Scout...their motto was Be Prepared and that...I am.

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