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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Georgia State Fair 2015 Really $h!tty Fair...literally

When I was a kid, the only time I ever saw a carnival, it was at the fair. When I moved to Atlanta, I found that many carnival companies often set up in parking lots and spots not affiliated with fairs. To me, a fair is more than just a carnival, it's also about the exhibits, the judging of crafts, homemade items as well as livestock and concerts. The only 2 fairs in the Atlanta area that feature events of that nature are the North Georgia State Fair in Marietta and the Gwinnett County Fair in Lawrenceville. When the Georgia State Fair made the jump from Macon to their new home at the Atlanta Motor Speedway, I thought it be a great addition to the fairs in the area. I'd been to the Georgia State Fair in Macon the year that Midwest Midways won the contract for the fair, though it was a mid-sized fair, they did have exhibits but nothing on a grand scale as the Georgia National Fair in Perry or the North Georgia State Fair. Other events in the Atlanta area that tout themselves as fairs but offer nothing more than just carnival rides are the Atlanta Fair at Turner Field, Fayette County Fair, Walton County Fair, Spalding County Fair and the list goes on and on. While these "fairs" offer fun rides and great food, they aren't events you could call a full day experience.

Terry and I haven't done much in terms of carnivals since we got our butts whooped by the Space Roller at the Georgia National Fair in Perry in 2014. We were overdue for carnival action when I got a notice in my email from Groupon. Admission for 2 and VIP Parking at the Georgia State Fair at the Atlanta Motor Speedway for $13.50. The Speedway is about 10 miles from my house so it's not like we would go far if it ended up being a disappointment. I checked out the events online, Pig Races, Monkey Races, Helicopter Rides, Petting Zoo, Tiger Display, Wolf Encounter, Corona's Hollywood Circus, The Freakshow Deluxe and the carnival company playing the date would be Amusements of America. We had seen Amusements of America several times many years ago at the Gwinnett County Fair and my memories of them remained pretty good. I bought the passes and planned on going on Tuesday, found out shortly before arriving that we chose a great day to go, the unlimited ride handstamps were just $10 each.

Another shot from the Giant Wheel, you can see people avoiding the muddy areas 

The week leading up to the fair, we got a lot of rain but by Monday, the rain had moved out. Due to the weather, I'm sure Amusements of America had a hell of a time laying out the midway and setting up the rides. Though the fair is at the Atlanta Motor Speedway, it's not actually set up IN the Speedway, it's set up on the front lawn. When we pulled in to the parking area, we were herded into a field next to a drainage pipe where the attendants were not taking payments, when I told the attendant that we paid for parking, she said there is no paid parking. OK good going Groupon. We had a good bit of a trek to the front gate and both Terry and I noticed a smell in the air but we thought it was just the animals from the petting zoo. We later found this not to be the case. To use the Groupon passes, we still needed to check in at the admission booth, which was a 5 or 6 window trailer set at an angle next to the gate. There was a problem with this, 15 feet of mud leading to the trailer. Not just mud, it was slick with no traction, essentially a mud pit rather than a puddle. 
As we walked into the gates, the smell we thought was coming from the petting zoo got stronger but as we passed the animals, it became obvious that they were not the source.

The lot was certainly set up in a very odd manner. Shop Vendors were next to the gate, if you took a left once you got to the petting zoo, the food vendors could be found. The Banana Derby, Pig Races and Corona Hollywood Circus were set up next to and across from the petting zoo and animal exhibits. Hand stamps were being sold at the ticket booths in the middle of the food vendors, as Terry and I paid for our stamps, we noticed a few people arguing with the booth attendants that they paid up front, apparently there are some people that don't understand the price of admission doesn't include all the other extras...I always thought that was common sense though.

As we entered the midway, we realized the smell was getting stronger and it was not animal feces, it was sewage. The closer to the larger rides we got, the more the midway became a MUDway. No matter what carnival I go to, there is one thing I have to do before I ride anything else, I have to ride the Giant Wheel or whatever the largest Ferris Wheel is set up. I want to see everything that's on the midway and see how everything is set up. Once we got to the Giant Wheel, we realized that the corner where it, the Wave Swinger, Fireball, Crazy Mouse, Cliffhanger, Gravitron and Alpine Bobs were set up, the smell of sewage was the strongest. This was extremely off putting, the mud was a mixture of mud and sewage. I'm not sure if it was from a backed up septic tank, a broken sewage line or overturned Port A Potties from a previous event but it was obvious that it was not JUST mud. We weren't the only ones that noticed this, most people were slipping and stumbling through the muck. I felt really bad for the people that chose to wear flip flops, sandals or open toed shoes as well as those that were pushing strollers or getting around in wheelchairs or with walkers.

Anyway, we paid our admission, we might as well make the best of the shitty situation.
We rode the Giant Wheel and crossed over the mudway to the Wave Swinger. Both rides looked a little rough, Amusements of America is usually really good at keeping their rides fairly decent but I guess the mud and whatever may have been a slight impact but definitely not enough to effect the faded paint, scratches and even the worn look to the tops of the Wave Swinger, Alpine Bobs and the Musik Express. Carnivals go through refurbishment phases, those might be in line for a bit of fresh paint and also, carnival season is almost over and these rides have been out for almost a whole season so I completely understand they aren't gonna look factory fresh. The ride on the Wave Swinger was most likely the smoothest I've experienced on one since I rode the one set up at the fair in Mobile, AL either owned by Conklin or Cumberland Valley Shows back in 1990.

Our next ride we decided to ride sort of put us out of commission from riding anything else for a minute, the Crazy Mouse Coaster. We both knew it would be rough on us, not because it's a rough ride but because those sharp turns on the corners will definitely throw you around on any mouse coaster. After we got off the Crazy Mouse, we both navigated as best we could through the mud to get to the other side of the midway, hoping to ride something a little more gentle, but the Vertigo was broken down. We decided to head over the the circus to watch the show so we could at least have a seat, the smell of the midway was permeating in the tent and we made it through the first act before I told Terry I was done but wanted to walk the midway one more time before we left.

As we passed the Musik Express, I decided I wanted to ride it, mainly because I'd never ridden one built by Majestic and wanted to see how this one trailer ride compared to the one trailer Wisdom Himalaya. To be perfectly honest, I preferred the Majestic Musik Express over the Wisdom Himalaya, though it is smaller, it has deeper hills and feels more like a traditional Himalaya or Music ride. We rounded the bend again, between the Giant Wheel and the Wave Swinger and it seems the mud issue was under a little more control because they had been running a tractor over the walkway for a while. We still managed to ruin our shoes, reminding me of the Greater Gulf State Fair in Mobile, Alabama when I was a kid, before they paved the midway walkways. I told Terry that I was hungry but didn't want to touch any of the food at the fair, it just felt too icky and dirty to try and eat there and the smell was definitely not making the matters any better.
I decided to ride one more ride that I'd not ridden before, the Bertazzon Rock N Roll, pretty much a ride similar to the Alpine Bobs but much more colorful. No clue why both the Alpine Bobs and the Rock N Roll were set up because they offer the same ride. Same goes with the Scrambler and the Sizzler, most people see them as the same ride. I'm assuming Amusements of America needed to fill a contract obligation and those two rides brought the count to that obligation. While there was a new ride set up that I'd never seen before called Experience, built by KMG, there were a couple of rides missing that I always felt were carnival staples, Zipper and a swinging ship of some sort, like a Sea Ray, Pirate or Pharaoh's Fury.

Other than a few shots that Terry and I both took from the Giant Wheel, I didn't really feel compelled to take photos of each and every ride like I usually do when I visit carnivals. I didn't think the rides were set up in a manner where they would be very photogenic and the fact that I had to concentrate on where my feet were going also put a damper on photos. As we made our way out of the fair, we did drop by to see the Tigers on display, 2 very beautiful white Bengal tigers that seemed more house cat than wild cat. We also stopped in to see the Wolf Encounter. The wolves were beautiful, one was completely black and the other 2 were exactly what you think of when one says the word wolf. As for the freak show, let's just say that it was more performance art than a freak show. I expected a 10 in 1 but it was a free show under a canopy featuring a fire eater, a sword swallow-er and a couple of other novelty acts. Nothing impressive that can't be seen on TV.

All in all, I would have to say this fair is fair at best. Nothing more than a carnival, circus, food, games and a petting zoo and it could not compare to the greatness of the Georgia National Fair or the North Georgia State Fair. Not worthy of the title of "State Fair" and definitely not a fair we will return to if given the chance. Terry and I both agreed that next year we will be at the North Georgia State Fair, especially since it will be the first spot I will see the Velare Space Wheels set up since I last saw them when I was 4 years old. The Georgia National Fair might be on our agenda also.

The main ride list, not including most kiddie rides:
Alpine Bobs (Chance)
Crazy Mouse
Experience (KMG)
Family Swinger
Family Wheel
Fireball (KMG)
Hard Rock Palace Fun House
Giant Wheel (Chance)
Mardi Gras Glasshouse
Musik Express (Majestic)
Rainbow Rock Fun House
Ring of Fire
Rock N Roll (Bertazzon)
Rockin Tug
Speedway (Zamperla)
Tilt A Whirl
Tornado (Wisdom)
Wave Swinger

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Stupid Things People Have Said About Losing Weight

Today is definitely a good day. I weighed myself to find that I'm currently 179 pounds. Since July, I've lost 18 pounds. Many people have asked what I'm doing to lose the weight and to be perfectly honest, I'm just being mindful of what I eat. I don't work out, though I know I should. I've been to a nutritionist and she was very helpful in explaining my needs so I know how many calories, how much protein, fat, fiber and other things I need to consume to keep my body sustained and yet still lose weight.
My current before and after.
I am still using the basics from Joel Furhman's Eat To Live, Mario Lopez's Extra Lean and for my bad cravings I am using swap-outs from Lisa Lillien's Hungry Girl series.
Throughout the time that I've been trying to lose weight, people, I guess with good intentions, have offered dieting advice. While I appreciate the offer, I really don't want unsolicited diet advice, especially from people that really don't know much about nutrition contrary to what they believe.

Here are some of the things that I've been told over the past few months. I never replied to the things people have said but the statement after each, in red is the reason the statement is bad advice.

1. Eat a lot of rice.
Rice, holds no nutritional value. Brown rice, is slightly healthier because it does have fiber content but not enough to be "healthy" Rice can be best described as empty calories.

2. You should drink Sprite instead of any other sodas because it is clear.
Just because something is clear, it doesn't mean it's like drinking water. Sprite contains just as many calories as an other soda.

3. You should eat nothing but Lucky Charms.
Most cereals are sugar laden calorie bombs with little nutritional value. Lucky Charms, while they are wonderfully delicious, contains only a trace amount of protein.

4. Drink 2% or Skim Milk instead of whole milk.
Honestly, milk is a calorie bomb. I don't like the flavor of milk and aside from a tablespoon in my coffee or a 1/2 cup in my Raisin Bran, I don't touch it.

5. One cookie won't kill you.
Maybe it won't but it will kill my willpower and set me back on my calories for the day, meaning I'll have to eat less for dinner.

6. You should eat more Chinese food, have you ever seen a fat Chinese person?
Chinese people probably don't eat the bad stuff on the menu. I don't care for the healthier options on the Chinese menus. Also, Chinese food is loaded with salt and is actually a HUGE calorie bomb.

7. Cut out all sodas except for 1 a week.
So you're assuming that's all I drink? Honestly, I don't drink my calories. If it's got calories listed on a beverage, I don't touch it.

8. Drinking Slim Fast with every meal will help you lose weight fast.
Slim Fast is not a beverage to go with a meal, it IS a meal...hence meal REPLACEMENT. If you drink slim fast with your meal, it's like drinking a 200 calorie milkshake.

9. You should eat tuna salad sandwiches instead of ham.
Tuna salad's main ingredient, besides tuna, is Mayonnaise. Mayo is a HUGE calorie bomb. Ham, turkey and chicken are better alternatives.

10. Tea is ok to drink if you chase it with water.
Sweet tea is just like a soda. Unsweetened tea contains good antioxidants as well as NO calories. If I do want sweetened tea, I add a packet of Splenda and a packet of Equal and I still have a 0 calorie sweet tea.

11. Why bother? Diets always fail.
Because I'm doing this for myself asshole.

12. Avoid fast food is bad...Have you seen the new Philly Cheese-steak Sandwich at Subway? Subway's food is healthy.
Subway IS fast food. Much like every fast food place in the country, they do have some healthy options but for the most part, their food is processed calorie and fat bombs like all the rest.

13. If you want a hamburger, go to Ruby Tuesday's instead of McDonald's.
Just because it's a sit down restaurant you think it's healthier? Not so, some of the burgers in Ruby Tuesday exceed 1500 calories without fries. Might as well enjoy that Big Mac and save a few bucks.

14. Coffee is really bad for you.
Coffee helps boost your metabolism, it's pretty much 0 calories AND honestly aside from the caffeine, there's not anything unhealthy in coffee. The problem is most people equate coffee to lattes and sugary drinks. My coffee is usually black or I throw a packet of Sweet n Low, Splenda and a tablespoon of 2% milk in it. Even then, it's less than 10 calories.

15. If you eat nothing but fruit for a week, you'll lose a lot of weight.
I'm sure you would, from diarrhea. Fruit as a whole is a calorie bomb. While some fruits, like apples and bananas, are considered low sugar fruits, things like grapes, cherries and oranges are high in sugar.

16. Burger King has healthier burgers than McDonald's.
Beef is beef. Beef, contains the same calories and fat content no matter if it is grilled or cooked on a flat top. Don't kid yourself.

17. As long as you eat salad, you're doing well.
Not true. Caesar salads are calorie bombs in themselves just because of the dressing, cheese and croutons. Dressings are usually the unhealthy culprit on salads BUT also other components can trash it up also, bacon, cheese, eggs and even olives can sabotage your good intention with that salad.

18. If you eat healthier foods, you can eat as much as you want.
This is true with SOME things, I can eat broccoli all day long but it's not gonna satisfy me. It's not about how much you WANT to eat, it's about how much you NEED to eat.

19. As long as you work out an hour or so longer, you can eat whatever you want.
While the concept sounds good, this isn't so. You can't work out for an hour and work off a 1900 calorie hamburger. Also rewarding you hard workout with food is no different than saying, I had a bad day at work, I'm gonna eat a bag of chips.

20. Drink more juice.
Juice, much like fruit, is a calorie bomb. If you drink juice, you are drinking your calories. If you are counting your calories, you are taking away from your food intake if you are drinking a glass of juice. Juice is no different than drinking a Coke.

21. Diet Coke will help you lose weight.
It's a 0 calorie beverage. It doesn't help you lose anything, it just allows you to drink a soda and not set yourself back on calories.

22. If you want to lose weight, don't count calories, just work out.
Working out can help BUT losing weight IS all about the calories. If you eat more calories than you burn off, you will gain weight.

23. Have you tried Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice? Those are good options.
These foods are all about portion control. The problem is they are all skimpy portions of foods that contain the same amounts of calories, fat, sodium and pretty much everything else that you'd find in the full sized versions of the dishes. While they are well marketed. Have you ever eaten a Lean Cuisine meal and thought to yourself that you can eat 2? The truth is, if you do eat 2, that would be equal to what you'd get if you made it at home and served yourself a regular portion.

24. Powerade and Gatorade are awesome soda alternatives.
This is not true, they contain lots of sugar and sodium. Kool-Aid made with sugar would be just as healthy as Powerade and Gatorade. They are sports drinks designed to help athletes replenish their body's electrolytes. They aren't healthy for anyone to drink as an "I'm thirsty" beverage.

25. You should cook at home.
I actually do. The reason I got big is NOT because I feasted on fast food, it's because I do cook at home. I was frying pork chops, making mashed potatoes, cooking rice, gravy, cornbread, rolls and a lot of other high calorie sides. Don't assume that because I got big, I'm obsessed with fast food.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Janet Jackson Control & More Control Remixes My Thoughts

1986 proved to a be great year for Janet Jackson. While Control was not her debut album, the old saying "third time's a charm" definitely applies as it was the breakthrough album she needed to break away from the stigma of being just Michael Jackson's little sister.

By the time the album was officially released February 4, 1986, "What Have You Done for Me Lately" had already been burning up the airwaves for three weeks.

From beginning to end, the message is perfectly clear, Janet had something to prove. This is definitely not a cookie cutter 1980's album and is one of a few from that time that doesn't show it's true age.

Besides the aforementioned "What Have You Done For Me Lately" this album, which consisted of 9 tracks, spawned a total of 7 singles including Nasty, When I Think of You, Control, Let's Wait Awhile, The Pleasure Principle and the final single and track on the album, Funny How Time Flies.

Check it out, it's definitely a great throwback to the 1980's without the feeling of delving into the "oldies" genre.

On a side note, a remix album, known as Control: The Remixes and More Control, featuring various remixes from the Control album was released January 26, 1987 in Europe and Japan. It makes a great companion to the original full length album. Three editions of the remix album differ from each other, I recommend the UK edition over the Japanese and European editions.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Hand Knitted Purple & Black Striped Scarf & Hat Set

Summer is wrapping up and fall is setting in...just a season away from winter. Last year, I had planned to open up shop in a few consignment places around town and possibly send some of items for my sister to help me sell in Pace, Florida but this year, so far has been a weird one.

Most of my energy, when not working and dealing with mapping out my weight loss plan and dealing with the treatments for HS, has been dedicated to working on the AfterGlow project. As most everyone knows, I LOVE the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling and the AfterGlow project revolves around many of the original ladies of GLOW as well as their incredible fans. I've helped design an amazing T-Shirt along with the final GLOW Champion, Daisy as well as I'm in the process of creating new shirts as well as a few other unusual items.
Hand Knitted Purple & Black Striped Scarf & Hat.
So last year, I made a purple and black scarf set which sold pretty quickly on my e-crater page, which I just discontinued in favor of my storenvy page just to simplify my online venues. After I sold the first one, I made another and sold it to someone on, of all places, the MARTA train as I was casting off the hat. I made another and posted it in my etsy shop, which sold super quick also. So here's Purple & Black Hat and Scarf Set #4...All posted and ready for sale in my storenvy shop.

Please check out my other handmade creations at:

Hobby Lobby's Yarn Bee Sherpa Blend Yarn

My knitting hobby and obsession with buying yarn is definitely not a secret. For the most part, I tend to be a creature of habit and stay with the yarn brands that I know and love, each brand and type for specific uses. If it's soft, I'll create a hat or blanket with it. If the yarn has a rough feel, I'll make a bag or an outerwear scarf with it.

Aside from Red Heart for bright fun patterns, Caron for basic color tones and Bernat for it's classic variegated colors, I love Hobby Lobby's I Love This Yarn brand as it rivals the look of the aforementioned brands but seems to have a bit more of an added element of softness and stretchy-ness.

Every so often I will find a project that requires bulky or super bulky yarn and my go to for those were usually Lion Brand Wool-Ease or Lion Brand Homespun. Both are awesome to work with and very comfortable but eventually I discovered a yarn similar to Homespun that I preferred on every level called Country Loom by Loops & Threads.
Now Discontinued Yarn Bee Sherpa Blend
Occasionally I will try out a new yarn and this "review" is based on one such skein. Yarn Bee's Sherpa Blend yarn from Hobby Lobby. It's soft and furry, a blend of polymide, acrylic and wool, it seemed as if it would be awesome to knit with. I was wrong on all accounts. I usually wind all my yarn into yarn cakes from the skein because it stores easier, loosens up and relaxes the fibers as well as being able to pull from the center of the cake is easier to deal with.

Trying to wind Sherpa Blend using my yarn winder was definitely a test of patience. It took me 4 times longer than a normal skein of Red Heart Super Saver. I began to realize as I'm winding that this yarn will most likely be a bit of a hassle to knit with. I cast on my knitting loom with minimal problems but I did notice that the yarn is a bit catchy as it is wrapped and worked. I got an inch into a couple of knit purl knit purl rows before I realized I'm done with the yarn. Honestly it took me 2 times longer to purl than it did to knit and it should be about the same time. The yarn was also not comfortable to work with, I can't imagine what the final product would have felt like, even when washed in fabric softener.

As with most of my "testor" yarns that I try out, I aim to either use a coupon or if I find something with a deep discount, I'll try it out. This was one such yarn that I found in the clearance section marked down from $6.99 to $1.99. While I'd say that $1.99 would be a deal for a $6.99 yarn, THIS was certainly not the case. Sadly, I can only say that I'm happy that Hobby Lobby decided to discontinue this.

Monday, August 17, 2015

I've lost 13 Pounds!!!!

Hidradentis Suppurativa. I had been suffering from extreme, un-explainable pain for years and was relieved to finally get a definitive diagnoses and plan of treatment. There is no cure but treatments do help with remission. Coping with pain through various methods and keeping secondary infections are the key to this disorder. I've been to several dermatologists over the past few months and believe I found the best one for me. He's in his 70's and really experienced and started me out on antibiotics to treat 2 strains of bacteria in an infection that I developed. He's also given me amazing advice including avoid working in heat, use Eucerin Calming lotion or an ice pack to take the edge off pain rather than scratching or rubbing. The downside to it all is the fact that he has advised that I refrain my favorite past time, BATH TIME. Showers only and only as hot as lukewarm, never HOT. He also mentioned that one of my problems is I am TOO clean. How in the world can someone be too clean? Anyway, I intend to feature a few blogs regarding Hidradenitis in the future.
A couple of weeks ago I had my yearly physical and unfortunately, my doctor diagnosed me with hypothyroidism. This may explain a bit of my metabolic issues and even contribute to some of my weight issues. Doctor Gandy prescribed a daily dose of 50 mg's of levothyroxine. Here's hoping it helps but it's a pain in the butt for me to take. Apparently you have to take it on an empty stomach and avoid certain items including iron for at least 4 hours...I just take it at 5 am and jump back in bed until my usual wake up time of 10 am.

More big news!!! I'm back on the weight loss bandwagon. I'm not sticking to one particular diet plan this time, I'm using a hybrid of a few plans plus fighting cravings with healthier swap-outs. For breakfast, I have a Slim Fast shake. Lunch and dinner are usually based on Joel Fuhrman's book Eat To Live as well as Mario Lopez's Extra Lean. My cravings usually range between cheese, ice cream and cake. Lisa Lillien's Hungry Girl website and books are a great tool to help with healthier alternatives. Essentially, I'm aiming at no more than 1900 calories per day, just right for my size. I have completely cut out sugar sweetened drinks, if I do something more than water, it's usually Mio, Crystal Light or Tea with a little Splenda. My coffee is basically black with Splenda and occasionally a tablespoon (yes I do measure) of 2% milk. I can't do anything thinner than 2% milk, it's already too thin for me to love. Since July I have dropped 13 pounds, I started at 197 pounds and my current weight is 184. My goal is to be 145 pounds by May 2016, when Terry and I set sail on our very first cruise.

The diet isn't as difficult as you'd expect, there are so many phone apps that will help keep you on track. Calorie Count being my favorite. Many times this app has helped me make good choices if I found myself in a crunch to get something quick to eat and had to do fast food. My only struggle is trying to tell people that submit their diet 2 cents to fuck off. What works for me might not work for someone else, we are all different and having been to a nutritionist, what I am doing is within the same range as what she customized for me. Honestly, I know what I'm doing and I don't need people that claim they have a clue about nutrition trying to tell me what I should and shouldn't do.

My knitting store is still around at and I have a lot more fun knitted items in the works. This year will be the first year that I offer reversible colored hats as well as hats with pom poms and embellishments such as flowers and other designs. I have worked up a few Minion hats also.

Speaking of handcrafted items, a few months ago, I helped one of the original Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling wrestlers create an amazing T-Shirt featuring the famous logo in glittering rainbow colors. Be sure to check it it out at the official AfterGlow Fan Party Store

Also, don't miss your chance to take part in the biggest GLOW event since it's inception, the AfterGlow Fan Party Cruise to Baja Mexico May 22-26, 2016. Check out the cruise website at Check out the definitive GLOW fan page at and be sure to visit and like our page on FaceBook at

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Adrian's Life Early Summer 2015

Hey hey. I've not been posting lately, though I've got LOTS and LOTS of new material to share here. Unfortunately, everything that ends up here is actually written first in a composition book and when I transpose it over to my computer, it's time consuming because of editing and tweaking.

I'm still at Hearth Pizza Tavern in Sandy Springs...I still love it there. It's for sure the best serving job I've ever had in terms of stress. It has has it's moments, mainly to do with high strung co-workers...a few of which have moved on. I work on average 6 days with at least 2 off time is spent sleeping or cooking.

Next May, Terry and I will be going on a cruise along with several of the original GLOW girls from the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. Miss Roxy Astor suggested (since she knows I'm on a server's budget) to probably do a fundraiser...I most likely will.

A few weeks ago, Terry and I took a trip down to Pace, Florida to see my nephew graduate from high school. The trip was a good one in terms of things we accomplished. My sister found a good location of the dessert cafe/bistro and entertainment facility I am thinking of opening. We also went to the beach and Terry and I got burned to a crisp but not as bad as we did when we went to the fair in Perry last year.

Since I mentioned my dessert shop, I guess I should cover that a bit. Back in 1997/1998 I managed a dessert shop for a nice little Jewish couple in Roswell, Georgia. Their shop was successful enough to run two locations, one in Buckhead and one in Roswell, I worked at both. The owners were set in their ways to run the business as strictly desserts and coffee. The only atmosphere they set was the music. When Dan, the husband was in the shop, the 5 disc changer was filled with Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. When Judy, the wife, was there, her selections trumped everyone's including Dan...she filled the 5 disc changer with Yanni and Celine Dion. When I was there alone, I had a blend of showtunes, pop, country and a little dance and disco...If I was recording my own music at the time, I would have been playing my own stuff. Anyway...I had a few ideas to make the business more community involved by letting local artists display their art on the walls and offer to sell the art for a percentage. I also suggested to allow local singer/songwriter types to come in an entertain...or even have an amateur night. My ideas seemed so foreign and crazy to Dan and Judy that they just said no and told me they like their business the way it was. They have both passed away since and their family closed their business. I would love to reboot the concept, including my ideas along with their amazing selections of coffees and desserts, minus Frank, Dean, Yanni and Celine. I have a lot of cool ideas that would involve strong community involvement also. Terry is also on board for this shop...just gotta get the funds to move from Atlanta...we are thinking of Mobile, Alabama or somewhere near Pensacola, Florida. The perfect location of our shop would be Pace, Florida.

My biggest news at the moment is the fact that I've been diagnosed with an incurable skin disease called Hidradenitis Suppurativa. Fortunately, this disease is not contagious and cannot be passed on from one person to another. It is believed to be hereditary. Makes sense to me because I had an uncle that suffered from the same symptoms though he remained un-diagnosed...It's a disease that seems to be unfamiliar to many doctors and they treat it as boils or abscesses. My mom also suffered from boils when I was a kid. Since there is no cure, the only thing that can be done is treatment for it's symptoms. Diet changes will be inevitable. I have to cut out pretty much anything inflammatory and I'm now talking lots of vitamins and supplements. I intend to blog about the progression of my disease and treatment as well as include some tips to help others with this horrible disease. BTW, I've been told that HS is possibly one of the most painful of all dermatological diseases...I can attest to this fact because I've been suffering for over 10 years.

Heat of summer is among us...we had to get our A/C refrigerant recharged yet again. Seems to get more expensive each time. Anyway...I just want to say I HATE HOT WEATHER!!! Luckily we've been getting daily afternoon storms that cool us down a little...though a few hours after it seems to be cooler but more humid and muggy. Not sure which is the lessor of the 2 evils.

So that's it for now. Sorry no stories of snakes in rice, aliens, obscure musicals or family stories. My time is limited at the moment but I do promise soon. I'm heading to the bathtub to shave and get ready and off to work I go.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

GLOW The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling at RuPaul's DragCon

I've been really busy with work and home life lately, no time to really post any blogs. I do have lots of new "news" stories in the works as well as more family stories. I've actually completed a good chunk of the timeline of my book as well as completed 4 chapters.

So those of you in the Los Angeles area May 16-17...RuPaul's DragCon!!! I'm not so much a fan of drag BUT some of my friends will have a booth there...10 or so of the original Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. I believe the line up will include Roxy Astor, Godiva, Hollywood, Evangelina, Lightning, Daisy, Matilda the Hun, Sunny the California Girl, Little Egypt, Melody Trouble Vixen MTV, real ladies, not drag queens. I also believe Mr. Johnny C will be there also. Be sure to stop by and tell them Adrian sent you!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Mom Sued By Son Over Finger

Nancy Garrity of Wayne, NJ won't be awarded "Mother of the year" ever! John Garrity, Nancy's son, was using a miter saw in her garage as she tapped him on the shoulder. As John turned his head, he lost control of the saw and his pinky finger was in a pile of sawdust on the floor.
A jury ruled in favor of John after his mother admitted "her actions caused the incident and her son injuries." The court awarded John $20,000 in medical expenses and an additional $95,500 for pain, suffering and undisclosed damages.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Kid Beats Mom Over French Fries

Dennis Hickman went berserk and repeatedly clubbed his disabled mother because she wouldn't share her French Fries with him. Family and friends have stated the troubled man has a history of violent and bizarre behavior. Dennis was charged with first and second degree assualt after his rampage on his mother.
Sheila Ross, Hickman's 52 year old mother, suffered injuries to her head, wrist and leg. She was treated and released from the hospital the same evening.  Sheila claims her son went crazy but isn't crazy and simply needs help.
After denying her son the last remaining french fries from her meal, Dennis grabbed a bat and started swinging. He kicked down the door, slashed his mothers tires, bashed in her mailbox and hit her car a few times.
Mrs. Ross told police, "He's my only son. I love him, but I can't be abused."

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Breast Implants Explode During Flight

A 45-year-old woman from Russia on an Aeroflot flight from Moscow to Los Angeles found herself in a dire medical emergency when her F-cup breast implants burst. No one was exactly sure of Irena's exact medical condition when she collapsed at the LAX airport. It became apparent after a thorough examination that her breasts were the culprit. Irena's implants were removed shortly before she departed America to return to her home in Russia. Since her ordeal, officials in Russia have been warning patients of potential health consequences due to breast augmentation.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Teen Robs Shop With Banana, then Eats evidence!

A North Carolina teen was foiled as he attempted to rob an internet cafe with a banana but ate it before cops arrived. Seventeen year old John Szwalla entered a Winston-Salem store with a banana in his hoodie, claiming it was a gun and demanding all of the money in the register and safe.
A quick thinking customer and store owner Bobby Ray Mabe tackled the would-be stickup artist and kept him pinned to the ground until police arrived. While they waited, Szwalla ate his "weapon!"
Major Brad Stanley, spokesman for the Forsyth County Sheriff stated the officers took photos of the banana peel and joked about the possibility of charging the teen with destroying evidence in addition to his pending charge of attempted "armed" robbery.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

That Shirt Looks Smart! That Shirt IS Smart!

Studies show that sixty percent of Alzheimer and Dementia patients will begin to wander and get lost as their disease progresses. Unfortunately, many will find themselves in this position more than once.

In this day and age of smartphones, corporations have begun to cash in on tracking technology. In an effort to get them home safely, a large communication and a large department store has joined forces to develop clothing equipped with GPS tracking capabilities.
The technology will provide authorities the location, within 50 feet, of the individual unknowingly wearing the device stitched within their garments. The plan is not yet set into motion thanks to the fact that testing units have had circuitry issues when washed.

The original idea, conceived by an assistant professor at George Mason University, was to equip shoes with a GPS unit for parents to track their children as well as nursing facilities to track Alzheimer patients. The technology was realized in 2002 when shoe manufacturer, GTX Corp GPS track-able shoes 2002 at a cost of approximately $300. GTX also offers GPS SmartSoles insoles which can be used with any pair of shoes.

The need for track-able clothing has become an issue due to the fact that many times, individuals that require remote over-site, are not wearing shoes. The proposed articles of clothing slated to receive GPS implants included under garments such as briefs, boxers and panties. Due to the fact that many patients require disposable undergarments, the focus has now switched to night gowns, socks, bathrobes and pajama bottoms.

The retail giant, which has not yet announced their plans publicly, is stating the access app to the GPS system will be available through the Google Play, Kindle and App Stores. The articles of clothing, each with an individual bar-code, will be limited to healthcare professionals and those with written prescriptions from a qualified healthcare provider. The retail corporation is hoping to provide the GPS traceable clothing for less than $40 per item.

This retail giant is not the only clothing outlet looking to make a profit off this technology. During my own research, I found that a certain lingerie company has been approached by individuals hoping to make the sex industry safer for prostitutes and exotic dancers.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Psychic's Crystal Ball Destroys Home

English Psychic, Kim Yeates, of Somerset can see the future events of others but unfortunately missed the call in regards to her own future. Ms. Yeates had left her apartment to visit friends and returned home to find that her home had been destroyed by a fire.
Investigators discovered that a 3 inch crystal ball, a tool which Kim uses to read clients had been placed where the sun's rays were reflected through the sphere onto the back of Ms. Yeates' television, which exploded, set fire to her couch and the rest of her apartment.

Kim left the ball in a window, noting how she liked how the sun reflected through it. The fire damaged everything she owned and unfortunately, she didn't have insurance to cover replacement of her items.

Firefighters at the scene stated that they had never seen a fire started by a crystal ball. Kim states "I used to love looking at the crystal ball and watching the sunlight come through it, but I wish I had never gotten it now!"

Friday, April 10, 2015

Why I Like Showtunes???

Straight people seem to ask me this question frequently. My answer? It's complicated. I'm not completely sure how I began to love show music but two events in my life stand out in my mind.

1- My dad's favorite movie of all time was The Sound of Music and every time it was on TV, he made sure it was loud enough to be heard throughout the neighborhood. To this day, I can sing and quote complete scenes from the film, note for note, word for word without cues or lyric sheets.
2- My discovery of a cassette tape of The Premiere Collection The Best of Andrew Lloyd Webber from a flea market. The stories within the songs spoke to me and it all just clicked. Several years later I heard the complete score of The Phantom of the Opera and became obsessed to the point that one of my goals was to make it to New York to see the show on Broadway. During the summer of 1992 my goal was realized and I not only saw the show once, by January of 1993, I'd seen the show 35 times.
My love for show music could also be contributed to the fact that it's the genre I initially learned to sing. The natural tone of my voice, unaltered, seems to fit into theatrical music than most any other genre.

I discovered early on that not everyone shares my affinity to show music and it's not exactly a genre that's appreciated during karaoke night at a bar...even if it's remixed...I will never make THAT mistake again.

The mention of show music tends to also baffle the mind of many individuals also. I've had many people tell me they don't care for opera when I've asked if they've ever seen a Broadway musical. Though show music takes skill and a degree of training to sing, it's certainly NOT of the opera genre, though there are some shows that contain "operatic" parts within the show...this doesn't make it an opera though.
To further confusion, technically Les Miserables, Evita, Miss Saigon, RENT and Jesus Christ Superstar ARE operas but yet The Phantom of the Opera is NOT an opera. Why you ask? While The Phantom of the Opera contains opera scenes, it contains a good bit of spoken dialogue and non-musical scenes. Les Miz and the others I mention are completely sung through with no actual non-sung dialogue which technically means, they are modern day operas.

With all that said...Why do I love show music? I just fucking do.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

BMG & Columbia House Music Clubs...Fine Print? Bills? No Problem

Long before Napster reared it's ugly head opening the flood gates to music sharing sites, before iTunes, before the FED's, RIAA, MPAA, NBA, NAACP, PBS or anyone else using capital letters as an identity nosed around out computers, we had Columbia House and BMG music clubs to de-value the music industry.
I was a very creative child and somewhat deprived. My mom's idea of getting that hot new tape that all the other kids are listening to was to tape it off the radio, which entailed holding an old cassette tape recorder up to a radio speaker, or even better, the TV. My copy of the soundtrack of The Sound of Music was a one of a kind recording. Just under Julie Andrews singing "My Favorite Things" you hear my dad in the background proclaiming The Sound of Music is the BEST movie ever made and my mom from another room screaming "turn that shit down!!!" My bootlegged from radio "Like a Virgin" tape was not much better thanks to mom's voice chiming in "Tell that whore to go back to Hell's Kitchen where she belongs" during "Dress You Up." Had I ever had a party, these were not really playlist worthy recordings.
So back to devaluing the music industry, pre-internet. How the hell did Columbia House or BMG ever make money? Picture it, you're flipping through Seventeen magazine and out pops a card stock postcard which reads 12 Tapes For A Penny. IN-TER-EST-ING!!!! How many more issue of Seventeen magazine are in the house?4 to 6 weeks later 4 boxes arrive in the mail addressed to variants of my name. 48 tapes, all for free!!! No more smokers cough and banging on my door followed by a voice telling me to turn that shit down. 4 weeks later, 4 different bills arrive. Bills? or Free tapes? Must be a mistake, we'll just file that into file 86. Bill Bill Bill, garbage garbage garbage.
Eight weeks later, the novelty of my 48 tapes has long since worn off...Need more tapes...Damn, I can only find 2 order cards...6 weeks later, 24 more tapes arrive in the mail. 4 weeks later, 6 bills arrive addressed to my clones. My mom asks "What are all these bills coming to you for?" My reply was "dunno!" then came the final notices times 6. Shortly after, a collection agency called North Shore started sending bills and demands for payment...What ever will I do??? I know, I'll fix it where no one will ever find out...Change of Address...Family moved to New Hampshire, no one lives there so who would ever tell?
My parents never caught onto my early life as a mail fraudster, nor do I think they understood or found a definite reason their mail seemed to have been redirected and lost for over 6 months when the forward request expired.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

My Thoughts of Cra-Z-Art Shimmer 'n Sparkle Cra-Z-Knitz Ultimate Designer Knitting Station

During the Christmas season 2014, I saw this loom knitting set in both Wal-Mart and Toys R Us. Being that I already own over 20 different knitting looms, I couldn't really justify shelling out $30 for the set. I was intrigued with the lap desk the looms fit into though. I actually thought about buying a plastic lap desk from Hobby Lobby and just retrofitting it to use for my existing looms but so far, I've not.

Cra-Z-Art is the same company that I knew as RoseArt when I was a kid. I HATED RoseArt crayons, Cra-Z-Art's crayons are no different and much like when they were known as RoseArt, they have nothing on the quality of Crayola and Sargents. I have used other products made by the company, aside from their crayons, which I did enjoy using so I knew this could possibly be a good or a bad product. Even if I could use a 40% or 50% off coupon, still couldn't justify the cost.
A member of the GoodKnitKisses facebook group mentioned this set was listed on for $5.95 under the Warehouse Deals. I didn't really know what to expect from because the listing not only mentioned it was used (from past experiences I've found this to not be true) but it also stated that the box was damaged but less than $6 wouldn't be much to loose if it turned out to be a dud. Being an Amazon Prime member, I get free 2 day shipping on most items...I have already gotten my money's worth in free shipping since I renewed my membership in February.

 So I ordered the loom set, 2 days later it arrives on my doorstep. I opened the box to find it to be in rather good condition, never opened and showing no signs of damage other than a little bit of dented corners from shop wear. When I pulled everything out of the box, it was apparent that this was INDEED a new set which had never been opened. There was more to this set than I realized. The "bonus" item was a spool loom also known as a french knitter. My excitement for the loom desk turned to disappointment when I realized that it was designed to sit on a table or solid surface rather than using it as a lap desk.

The set includes 2 standard knitting looms, one a round loom for hats and items knitted in the round and the other was a small "long" loom also known as a rack loom for flat paneled items. The molded plastic has a bit of a thin and glossy feel to it, I've read some reviews claiming it is flimsy plastic. Honestly, this is a loom set, mass produced and marketed to children, it's not designed to be an item to be used for professional or more serious projects as the Knifty Knitter or Martha Stewart looms were designed for. The knobs on the tops of the looms are a bit smaller than I'd prefer them to be, but then again this isn't a loom set designed to be a travel or as an on the go set either. The looms are completely functional. The loom hook is really cool, fits my hand perfectly, unlike the ones that come standard with the Darice, Yarnology, Knifty Knitter or Boye looms.

Another bonus, in addition to the spool loom, you get 4 small skeins of brightly colored yarn made of acrylic yarn. The yarn seems to have a softer feel than Red Heart Super Saver or the acrylic yarns usually included in kits for children. The down side to the included yarn is the fact that the amount for each skein wouldn't add up to be enough for more than just a hat in each color...No problem though, the colors included appear to match up to colors that can be purchased from any yarn retailer...or at least coordinated.

My overall thoughts regarding this set?
I would say it is worth the original price if it's intended as a gift for a young child who wanted to loom knit or at least a beginner. The yarn included is fun to work with. The loom hook/tool itself is better than most and the spool knitter made me feel like I actually got a great value. The knitting desk/storage mount that came with the looms is possibly the weakest link of the set but it looks cute when all put together. One improvement I would have liked to have seen with this set is if they included a way to spin the looms as you worked. To work completely around, you have to turn the entire desk/mount around. Definitely a set to keep on hand if you've got kids with an interest in crafting, it's fun and functional.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Living Cheaper vs. Living Green

I've mentioned my idea for this blog to many people and it seems that many people have showed a general interest. Unfortunately, the bulk of those that show an interest have made the assumption that I am trying to create a how to site featuring sustainable and greener living. Though it would seem that these ideas do overlap at times, they are completely different lifestyles.

Living cheaper is exactly what it sounds like. The basis behind this page is to share my discoveries of finding cheaper alternatives to live without feeling like you're missing out on an enjoyable life. I'm not trying to create a page based on survival methods.

Living Green focuses on being environmentally friendly. Many times living greener can be more expensive than "normal" living. Take a stroll through Whole Foods and you will understand what I mean. Living green overlaps with living cheaper when it comes to re-purposing items or making your own cleaning supplies from natural ingredients. I'm all about re-purposing items, recycling and I love the idea of making my own supplies but I don't believe it should cost an arm and a leg to reduce the footprint you leave on the planet.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Car Karaoke Driving Discotech

Have you ever look over and seen someone singing and/or dancing in their car? Since I don't drive, I usually have plenty of time to watch other people do as they do in their own cars. A "fool" spotter, if you will. I've got it all down to an undetectable art...though Terry usually gives it away. We'll be stopped at a stoplight or stuck in traffic and I'll spot someone with their windows down, Thelma Houston blasting on the know it's not actually on the radio and it's most likely loaded on a device or they are playing a CD because it's crystal clear. I'll say "Terry look next to me" and he does as I'm trying to be discreet...of course he looks and stares for a good minute. By the time I get enough courage  to look back over, Terry looks away and the singer/dancer has felt the presence of eyes and at the exact moment that I look again, they turn around to see who's staring and since my head is in their direction, I'm the one they believe was enjoying the duration of their performance.

There are usually only two responses to this ordeal.
1-They stiffen up with both hands on the wheel looking straight ahead acting as it nothing happened


2-They instantly become a Vegas Showgirl that invites us into her world, essentially adding props and anything else to the performance.

By the time the song changes, you have the option of turning away as if the situation never existed or you jump in and sing a long and prove which of you is the true American Auto Idol. Pretty much if these people do these little performances in the cars, could you imagine them home alone? That's the sort of crazy ass friends I need in my life...for sure.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easter In My House 2.0

When I was a kid, Easter was all about the Easter Bunny. Growing up and being subjected to Southern Baptist church, I was aware of the story and all that went along with Easter but what I pretty much loved was everything Easter not related to the bible. The brightly colored baskets, eggs, candy and everything else one equated to the Easter Bunny.
Me, a cake my mom made and my sister, Becki.
 Unlike Christmas, there was no need to drop hints about what gifts you wanted. One didn't write letters to the Easter Bunny as they would Santa. Easter required no preparation not did it require decorations going up a month in advance. Every Easter, no matter what house we lived in, played out exactly the same unless my parents chose not to head over to my granny's house for the family Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Dinner and everyone's favorite....The bi-annual fight between my cousin La Shea and my Uncle Mike.

Might one call the night before Easter "Easter Eve"??? If not, I always have and always will. Anyway, Easter Eve was not exactly an evening of fun for me though I did go through the motions and try to seem as if I'm enjoying it. My mom would hard boil about two and a half dozen eggs, she usually boiled more than we needed because it was inevitable that some would crack in the pot, which meant she got to snack as we dyed the eggs that made it out of the water with their shells as solid as they were when dropped into the water. Whatever cracked eggs that she didn't end up snacking on or the ones that ended up looking awful, she'd use the following day in her amazing Southern Potato Salad. While we were working on dying eggs, she would also bake a coconut cake...I was the cause of that one I believe, if you said you liked something she would run with it for life...I had coconut cakes every Easter AND for almost every birthday...I've not eaten a coconut cake since I was a kid.

Dying eggs may be fun for most kids, especially the ones you see on TV or on the packages of store bought dyes. Occasionally my parents would buy the Paas Dyes but many times, I liked them for several reasons...They included many different colors and I loved watching the tablets fizz in the vinegar. I secretly wanted to eat the tablets because they looked like candy appeared as if they may have had a fruity flavor. The copper colored wire thing for dipping and removing the eggs from the dye baffled me, it seemed to bend from the weight of eggs. Why was the wire not thicker? I remember more often though, the food coloring coming out of the cabinet and a few drops of each of the 4 colors were dropped into coffee cups containing vinegar and water. Using spoons, my sister and I would do our best to make the 4 colors come out as impressive as we could get them so the Easter Bunny and no one else would know that we used ordinary food coloring. I also believe we really didn't understand the concept of mixing the 4 colors to create additional colors, so all of our eggs were Green, Blue, Red and Yellow.
I thought the better the basket of eggs looked, the more impressed the Easter Bunny would be and he'd leave my sister and I more candy than the year before. We would go to bed with the eggs sitting on the kitchen table, we'd wake up Easter to find them in the refrigerator and our Easter baskets that each of us had since our first Easter filled with candy where the eggs were the night before.

This was the Easter we lived at our Granny's house.
Those awful yellow curtains...ugg.
 The contents of our Easter baskets seemed to always be the same types of candy year after year. A large cream filled chocolate egg, a couple of Russell Stover eggs, small foil covered chocolate eggs, Robin's eggs, Peeps, jelly beans and Easter themed circus peanuts sitting atop Easter grass. The best part of our Easter baskets were the hollow chocolate bunnies made by Palmer. To this day, I prefer Palmer's chocolate over any other brand, even the expensive stuff.

My sister, being the wonderful older sister she was, found joy in how gullible and compulsive I was. After being told that my chocolate rabbit was actually alive, she said he would be in pain if I ate him and if I broke parts of him off, since he had eyes, he would see it and he would see me killing him. My bunny would sit for weeks because I felt bad for him. Eventually, I would pick the eyes off...sort of like a monkey would when they turn on a human...Once the eyes were was ON.

If we didn't go to granny's, my mom would usually bake a ham and my dad would hide the eggs my sister and I worked on the night before in our yard for us to find...Of course we'd only find a fraction of them and he rarely remembered all of his less obvious hiding places.

Our trips to granny's house though...those were always fun. My dad and uncles would spend a good bit of the morning drinking beer or whatever whiskey someone brought with them while hiding all of the eggs that we all brought over with us, much like the egg hunts at home, only a fraction were found. My mom would add an egg Leggs pantyhose came in to the collection of eggs with a bit of money in it, usually $5 or something better than a plastic egg with jellybeans or a real hard boiled egg. My dad had a tradition that he seemed to enjoy, he'd always hide a brightly colored egg high up in a tree for my cousin Missy. Missy was always the one to spot the egg in the tree and her tall skinny ass would be in that tree collecting that egg while all the rest of us are finding eggs under stinging nettles and in horse or cow poop...where one of my demented uncles would hide them. The egg's we didn't collect that day would usually let themselves be known within a few weeks once the rotten hard boiled innards exploded from the brightly colored neon or pastel shell.
My cousin Mikey and me...BTW my dad actually built that swing we are sitting on.
My Aunt Joan and Granny would cook for the family, my mom usually made her contribution to Easter dinner with her Southern Potato Salad, containing some of the eggs that weren't suitable for dying the night before. Sometime after everyone ate, or sometimes while we ate, Mike and La Shea would find themselves in the same room and one would say something to the other and it was ON. I don't recollect the topics of the arguments but the outcome was always the same. Everyone sitting in the living or dining room wondering what just happened and acting surprised as if no one expected it when in reality, everyone was wondering when it would happen. This was always a part of our family get togethers so to me, it was a part of it and if it didn't happen, I would wonder what was wrong.
My dad and Granny in her kitchen.
With all that said, I am now here at Easter 2015, Terry and I are both working Easter Sunday. We didn't get anything for each other for Easter, other than a little chocolate bunny made by Palmer. We always have the intention to dye Easter eggs but never do...not that I want to anyway. Our only real tradition is heading out Monday and snatching up the Easter candy that's all on sale but not so much that we'd have to worry about diabetes. ;-) Terry also always tried to find me my favorite bunny Biggy Ears made by Palmer.
So that's it, that's the story of Easter in MY home. Yes, I still remember the story of Easter as told in the bible, though with my knowledge of not only the bible but Roman history, I know more about it than the average person. If you want to read about a horrific death, do a little research on how Christ actually would have died...All thoughts of the last scene in Jesus Christ Superstar will be erased from your memory.